Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hi guys!!it's been days since I last blogged.I was really busy this week with my work.I had sleepless nights for 2 days in a row doing paper work like cutting,pasting,drawing and colouring.
Wow!those work really made my shoulder ache and it is still aching.Well,well,what can I say?hehhe....hope my boss reads this and have pity on me..hahaha..dream on la,Nicole!!(I was just monolog dalaming.silly me!).Not realising that 2 weeks had just went pass.Fast leh?Good for me.How bout you?Let me say something.I am really impressed with my improved attitude.Had stop the habit of doing work half way like the malay idiom 'hangat-hangat tahi ayam'.I had started 'bonding' with the kids espicially from my 3&4 years old class students.Sum of them are really cute..Hmm...let me name their names just to freshen my mind:
1.Gan Qiao Qing(Xiao Qing)
3.Cheong Lip Ken(Lip Ken)
4.Chong Yu Hung(Yu Hang)
5.Rong Sheng
7.Chu Qing(mei mei)
8.Kristy Loh(Kristy)
9.Lee Xuan Wei(Wei Wei)
10.Wan Ying
11.Leong Yong Wai(Yong Wai)
12.Liang Chong Ran(Chong Ran)
13.Nur Lydia Leong(Lydia)
14.Foo Yi Qi(Yi Qi)
15.Sam Zhi Hou(Zhi Hou)
16.Ja Huey
These are the names of my beloved students.I am glad and also relieved to finally realise which ambition suits me the most.That is to be a kindergarten teacher.Yes,I have finally decided on this path.I am really happy with it.There was this incident where I was offered a job in another kindergarten working full time and of course the salary is higher but realising dat I was going to part from my students,I suddenly felt solemn.So,after a day or two thinking about the offer and a whole lot of stuff,I finally made the decision to stay in the kindergarten.I hope I made the right decision.For me,I think that we as teenagers should find a job that suits us the most.We should look at the experience perspective but not only the salary.Trust me.It will really benefit you.Take me for example(not boasting).Before I decided on my ideal path,I had once wanted to be a author,chef and even a police officer!After my SPM exam,rest for a few weeks and started work.Honestly,at first I thought that this job was tiring and boring.But later on,I realise that it's not that bad and I gradually started to like it and look at what I achieved..isn't it FANTABULOUS?!!
well,please dont take it seriously.I didn't meant to hurt your feelings.It was just mear crap.Bos,if you had read my blog,please dont take it seriously.After all,I was just crapping due to boredness.

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